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Meet the Gorkys

In the book Gorky and the Evil Twin , several Gorkys were introduced as part of the "Qualis recognition set", a set of qualities with a corresponding puzzles which solves to one of the Gorkys below. We can look to these qualities to determine value that one brings to a task or project by its use.

We can value people not only for what they do, but also for how they use various qualities.

I now present these characters and their qualities. By no means are these the only qualities. We'll have to have more Gorkys!

Gorky Quality Description
Leadership Gorky Leadership Sets an example, rallies groups
Initiative Gorky Initiative Identifies and satisfies need
Communication Gorky Communication Shares important information and ensures understanding
Concentration Gorky Concentration Focuses on a task, removes distractions
Adaptation Gorky Adaptation Learns and changes as necessary
Agility Gorky Agility Pivots on new information to solve problems
Innovation Gorky Innovation Creates new ways forward
Style Gorky Style Makes every task an artform