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Gorky Day

February 29th, Leap Year

Gorky Day recognizes the value of recognizing qualities in how we all go about doing our activities and their usefulness in overcoming challenges.

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February 29th, leap day, on each leap year was chosen to celebrate Gorky Day. This day was inserted in the Roman calendar over two thousand years ago to correct the difference between the Roman calendar and the orbit around the sun. The orbit takes 365 days and 6 hours, causing the earth to be ahead of the calendar by 24 hours over 4 years. One extra corrective day was necessary to keep the seasons and the calendar in phase. The day’s existence demonstrates a creative solution to a problem of planetary proportions.

If you wish to celebrate Gorky Day every year, you will have to be creative like the leaplings! Leaplings are those people who are born on February 29th. Some celebrate their birthday on February 28th, some select March 1st, some at midnight between the two, and still others choose both days! You are free to choose to celebrate Gorky Day every day by imbuing your activities with qualities that can be remembered, recognized, and valued for how you did them. Recognizing that value in yourself and others is definitely something worthwhile to celebrate.